We all have to start somewhere, right ? So this is where Bad Gateway starts. First, let me re-introduce myself : my name is Lucas and I’m a software engineer specialized in mobile apps development.

I’m currently working for ARTE, an European TV channel with an ambitious online offer available on desktop, mobile apps (iOS and Android) and smart TV (HbbTV, tvOS and Android TV).

Lately, I have red an article named Software disenchantment : this excellent post summed up quite well the disease that currently plagues software development.

I mean : if you want to take the pride for good apps, you have to take the responsibility for bad ones. So let’s consider that we (people developing softwares) are all responsible for the bad choices and wrong trends that become popular and spread among development teams around the world.

That is why I would like to take the floor, at my own scale, and share my thoughts about software development. 

Some future posts might be a bit philosophical but I would like to stay concrete as much as possible and talk about methods, approaches and tools that worked for me and for people I met.

Bringing quality apps back in the game is certainly not easy and this post might look like a tiny effort to change this.

But we all have to start somewhere, right ?